I'm home from walking the dogs. As is often the case, the rest of the family is asleep (including the dogs, who tend to fall asleep after a drink of water and a treat—can dogs having a late-night snack be said to be "#bumsteading?" For that matter, what is "#bumsteading?" I haven't defined that one on this blog yet. I don't think. #Bumsteading is a practice of a late-night snack that's often far too large and possibly decadent than is really healthy right before bed. Named after Dagwood Bumstead, of course, the namesake of the Dagwood Sandwich. I tried for a little while to get the trend going on social media, but I think the closest I came was a friend who uses it now frequently, but not with the #. Oh, well, I guess the 15 minutes of social media fame Andy Warhol promised me is still to come.) But I digress. As is my common practice when I'm in this sort of mood. What sort of mood? Well, it's the kind of mood where I feel like writing instead or reading or watching or listening. Usually that means my brain is too scattered to focus on outside stimuli. But today is a different feeling than just that. Like I said, I'm only a tiny bit manic. But what I am is kinda zombified. Allergens in our backyard have conspired to make sure none of us really sleep well, so I'm tired. There are other contributors, but not worth going into right now. My brain isn't like
Lightning McQueen
today, buzzing around at a million miles an hour in every different direction at once, it's more like a zombie, one of the slow zombies, but not a totally brain dead one—like a
Warm Bodies zombie, maybe? I'm not sure, it's been awhile since I saw that movie, and even then I only saw it and didn't hear it because I was mixing Foley for it. Oh, snap another digression. I guess I'm in a combo kind of day, like a
Semi-Smart Zombie Lightning McQueen.
Well, to quote Douglas Adams' Humpback whale falling into the planet Magrathea, "have I built up any coherent picture of things? No."
And now I've pretty much tapped all the energy I had for writing in making that video clip out of the radio show, because the one in the movie that I found on youtube just isn't as good and I couldn't figure out how to post audio only on this blog. Pity. (The radio show is my absolute favorite telling of that story. I've heard it well over 100 times by now and I've only read the book a handful of times, never really got into the BBC TV series, and was one of the few fans who liked the movie even though it couldn't hold a candle to the radio play.)
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