Friday, November 15, 2013

clickbait experiment

I have a confession to make. I did a little experiment with clickbait on my last post. I had a pretty catchy idea. The post didn't quite fulfill my vision of it, and to be honest I basically gave up on it rather than finishing it, but I went ahead and put up a catchy tweet and got more pageviews than I've ever gotten on this blog--which still isn't any staggeringly high number, but it sure was interesting. I'm sorry if the post itself disappointed. I started this blog as an experiment for a frustrated writer. That was 3-1/2 years ago and I'm even more frustrated now. I'm not happy with most of what I write. I'm working on that, though. Practicing. Trying to find a writer that I swear was once in me but has been lost under a flood of single-idea emails, status updates, and tweets. I used to pride myself on careful writing, even in semi-disposable emails, but those days are gone. For now. I'm trying to rebuild them. There's a long-play experiement going on in the back end of this blog which, if you're patient enough to stick around, you'll see in May 2014. In the meantime, thanks for participating.

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