Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shrimp Greens Pasta--better recipe than name.

I made an impromptu dinner last night and Kat liked it so well that she requested it again tonight. Tonight she requested that I not forget that one, so I thought what better insurance against forgetting it than to blog about it.

Get the pasta going. Put some cleaned & dried shrimp in a bowl with roasted Hatch (New Mexico) green chile and garlic. Sauté a bunch of fresh greens (rainbow chard and tot soi were the key ingredients but it could work with a lot of them) in olive oil with a splash of apple cider vinegar until barely wilted. Ideally, the pasta should be about al dente at the same time--drain it when it is, drizzle it in olive oil, and set it aside. Put the shrimp mixture in the sauté pan, sear it on both sides, and turn off the heat, mix the pasta in there, toss it all and serve with Parmesiano Regiano.

Yum. I'll try to remember to take a picture next time I make it.