I heard something really captivating on the TV show This American Life (season 1 episode 3 "God's Close-Up"). Ben McPherson, a Mormon artist feature in the episode, does large scale, ambitious art works of the life of Jesus. He needs a lot of bearded men as models and it's not easy to find men with beards in Utah unless you look at people most would consider outcasts. When asked about this, the artist said "We Christians kind of tend to align ourself with Christ by the things that we do and our actions, but I don't think we ever think of aligning ourself with Christ in terms of being, being outcasts."
That reminds me of my days as a Christian. I was involved in the First Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, MI in my mid-teens, a period of my life which corresponded with an age-appropriate dose of rebellion and aligning myself with outcasts. The high point of my respect for that particular church came when our youth group watched The Breakfast Club together and one of the leaders of our group compared John Bender to Jesus. (This is the same leader who organized a group trip to see U2 in concert, which was my first rock concert.)