The whole John Boehner / Roseanne Cash asshat kerfuffle got me thinking about it today, but when I think back this dates back to at least the infamous "refudiate" tweet from Sarah Palin.
I love that you're on Twitter. Really, I do. I follow some politicians, too. The ones I read regularly, though, aren't using Twitter to convey their whole message. I haven't spent a lot of time looking at Boehner's feed, nor Sarah Palins, but the tweets I have seen are stand-alone barbs. The politicians I follow are tweeting links to articles and blogs and something with more meat. I guess if you speak only in sound bites, 140 characters is enough to get your message out, but don't we expect more from our politicians than sound bites? I do.
I suppose I could probably distill this whole posting down to a Tweet...
"asshat politicians should take the time to write something more detailed and supported than a tweet if they want to be taken seriously"
There. I feel better now.